SOP For Rapid Mixer Granulator (RMG)

Standard Operating Procedure for rapid mixer granulator or high shear granulator. 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this SOP is to establish a procedure for operating the rapid mixing granulator or high shear granulator. 2.0 Scope This SOP will be applicable for RMG or high shear granulator installed in the granulation area of the production section. … Read more

Validation|Process validation

Validation is one of the most important and common terms used in pharmaceutical industries and its simple meaning is to provide a high degree of assurance or confirmation regarding product quality and system reliability. The concept of validation gives a high level of assurance that products manufactured in pharmaceutical industries are fit for use and … Read more

Disintegration Test

The breakdown of tablets or capsules into small fragments is known as disintegration.The process in which tablets or capsules when coming in contact with fluid are converted into small fragments which pass through the sieve number 10 or 2.0±0.2 mm sieve leaving behind no hard mass. Why Disintegration? Relation Between Disintegration, Dissolution & Bioavailability If … Read more

Friability Test For Tablets

Friability is one of the most important and simple tests which is performed for tablets to know how friable tablets are, meaning to estimate to what extent tablets can break when rotated in a drum to check the effect of attrition and tumbling.   Definition The percentage of weight loss is called friability. In other … Read more