Difference Between Validation and Calibration

Validation is documented evidence that gives assurance that a process will consistently produce a product with pre-defined specifications and quality. Validation is documented proof that a process, procedure, or activity will produce the same results in testing and production. Why Validation? Validation is the requirement of the FDA and other regulatory bodies that demand that … Read more

Good Manufacturing Practice |GMP| Difference between GMP & cGMP

GMP stands for good manufacturing practice and it is a set of guidelines introduced by the US-FDA(Food and Drug Administration).In this article, we will read about  Definition of GMP GMP is a combination of procedures and documentation that confirms that all products are always manufactured according to quality standards. Explanation  Why GMP? It is a … Read more

7 steps to become a skilled pharmacist

The role of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry is very important and critical. The pharmacists are involved in all departments starting from raw material,  R&D, manufacturing, IQPC, and Quality control to packaging. So pharmacists working in the pharmaceutical industry should be skilled and master of their field both in practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge. All … Read more