SOP For Operation Of Weighing Balance

Standard Operating Procedure for operating the weighing balance.

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to establish a standard procedure for operating the weighing balance of the following measuring range in pharmaceutical industries.

The weighing range of balance is .001 gm to 300 gm.

2.0 Scope

This SOP is implemented for the procedure used for the operation of weighing balance in pharma.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 The production officer & machine operator are responsible for operating the weighing balance.

3.2 The HOD of production is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this SOP.

3.3 QA Officer monitors the compliance of this SOP.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 The Officer production/machine operator shall ensure that the weighing balance is properly cleaned.

4.2 If weighing balance cleaning is not satisfactory then clean the weighing balance as per cleaning SOP.

4.3 The officer production/machine operator shall ensure that the weighing balance is placed on a shockproof bench.

4.4 The Officer production/machine operator shall ensure that the weighing balance bubble is in the centre.

4.5 The officer production/machine operator shall ensure that the weighing balance is calibrated.

4.6 Now insert the switch of weighing balance in the plug & press the ON button.

4.7 Press the tare button to ensure 0 values on the weighing balance.

4.8 Lift/Open the lid/door of the weighing balance and place the sample to be weighed & close the lid/door.

4.9 When the reading is stable, Note the reading on weighing balance & remove the sample.

4.10 Record the weighing balance usage in the logbook at the end of weighing.


  • Use lint lint-free cloth to clean the weighing balance.
  • Don’t use the practice of air blowing in the weighing chamber.

5.0 Abbreviations

5.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

Also Read:

  1. SOP for Rapid Mixing Granulator.
  2. SOP for Double Cone Blender.
  3. SOP for Wet Granulator.
  4. SOP For Fitz Mill
  5. SOP For Oscillating Granulator
  6. SOP For Uphill Deduster and Metal Detector