SOP For Emergency Exit And Rejoining 

Standard Operating Procedure for safe exit during any emergency & then Rejoining for work.

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to establish a standard procedure for emergency exit and rejoining.

2.0 Scope

This SOP is implemented for the procedure used for the staff working inside the manufacturing plant.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 All the staff working in the manufacturing plant are responsible to follow this SOP.

3.2 The ESH department should track the implementation of this SOP by Mock Hooters.

3.3 Maintenance & security representative to identify the cause of emergency & rectification.

3.4 Medical staff will provide first aid on the requirement.

4.0 Prerequisites 

4.1 Allocation of assembly area for various departments.

4.2 Arrowhead identification in manufacturing plant towards emergency exit.

4.3 Installation of smoke detectors inside a manufacturing plant.

4.4 Installation of alarm/hooter with emergency door.

4.5 Training of all staff regarding emergencies.

5.0 Procedure

5.1 Procedure For Emergency Exit 

5.1.1 All the staff shall be aware that the blowing of hooters indicates an emergency like fire, smoke, earthquake etc.

5.1.2 All the staff shall leave the workplace through a nearby emergency exit when the hooter blows.

5.1.3 All the staff should gather in the allocated assembly area.

5.1.4 The security staff should also blow emergency sirens & inform ESH head.

5.1.5 The security staff, ESH representative & maintenance nominated members should rush towards the emergency hooter location to ensure safe evacuation & to trace out the cause of the emergency.

5.1.6 The ESH member along with the departmental supervisor shall mark attendance to ensure assembly of all the present staff.

5.1.7 During the emergency hooter no one shall be allowed to enter In or leave out of plant gate other than nominated persons.

5.1.8 Medical staff shall provide first aid to anyone if required.

5.1.9 The ESH nominated member shall ask staff to go back to the work area after rectification of the root cause of the emergency hooter.

5.2 Rejoining For Work

5.2.1 All the staff shall enter the plant from their designated change rooms after passing over the wet mat to clean the shoes by rubbing.

5.2.2 All the staff shall change their uniforms/overalls as per the defined procedure.

5.2.3 All the staff shall disinfect their shoes by rubbing a lint-free duster dumped with 70% IPA.

5.2.4 Disinfect the hands with sanitiser and enter the plant.

6.0 Abbreviations

6.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

6.2 ESH: Environment health and safety 

Also Read:

  1. SOP for Rapid Mixing Granulator.
  2. SOP for Double Cone Blender.
  3. SOP for Wet Granulator.
  4. SOP For Fitz Mill
  5. SOP For Oscillating Granulator
  6. SOP For Uphill Deduster and Metal Detector