SOP For Cleaning Of Sieves and Screens

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this standard operating procedure is to develop a standard procedure for cleaning of sieves and screens.

2.0 Scope

This SOP is applicable for cleaning of sieves and screens used in tablet, capsules and dry powder suspension manufacturing areas.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 The area operator is responsible for cleaning the sieves or screens.

3.2 Execution is the responsibility of officer production.

3.3 Inspection by officer production & QA.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Inspect the sieve or screen after usage and shift it to the washing area.

4.2 Wash the sieve or screen with tap water and rub with a lint-free cloth to remove any adhered material.

4.3 Wash the sieve or screen with 1% food-grade detergent.

4.4 Wash it with tap water to remove detergent.

4.5 Rinse the sieve or screen with purified water & take a sample for pH & conductivity checking by QA.

4.6 Dry the sieve or screen if pH and conductivity are within range with dry lint-free cloth.

4.7 Place the cleaned dry sieve or screen in a polythene bag & store it in the cleaned sieve storage cabinet.

4.8 Record the cleaning activity in the logbook & sign it.


The washing of sieves or screens used for any product shall be done in the same area if there is a major cleaning in the same area.

The washing of sieves or screens in the area shall be done using the same process as mentioned above.

If the same sieve or screen is to be used in the next product it shall be placed in the area instead of storage in the cleaned sieve cabinet.

No sieve or screen shall be used if found damaged before or after washing.

Also Read:

  1. SOP For Dispensing Of Raw Materials 
  2. SOP For Transferring and Storage Of Raw Materials 
  3. SOP For Cleaning Of SS Scoops