SOP For Cleaning And Sanitization Of Of Drain Trap

Standard operating procedure for cleaning drain traps/points in the pharma industry.

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to establish a procedure for cleaning and sanitization of GMP-compliant drains.

2.0 Scope

This SOP will be applicable for the procedure adopted for the cleaning and sanitization of all the drain points or train traps in the production departments of the pharmaceutical industry.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Housekeeping staff is responsible for cleaning and sanitizing the drains.

3.2 Production & QA officers ensure the compliance of this SOP.

3.3 The production manager is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this SOP.

4.0 Requirements

4.1 2 to 3% disinfectant solution (as per approved list).

4.2 Detergent solution 1 to 2%.

5.0 Cleaning frequency 

5.1 At the end of each shift 

6.0 Procedure 

6.1 The housekeeping staff should ensure that there is no manufacturing activity in the respective area.

6.2 The housekeeping staff should open the lid of the drain trap in the presence of the area operator.

6.3 The housekeeping staff shall remove the SS mesh & trap or bowl of the drain.

6.4 The housekeeping staff shall wash the drain lid, SS mesh & drain trap with detergent solution & disinfect with disinfectant solution.

6.5 Now flush the drain with water to ensure the proper cleaning.

6.6 Install the drain trap and fill the drain bowl with disinfectant solution.

6.7 Place the SS mesh & close the lid.

6.8 Record the drain cleaning activity in the logbook.

Important Note:

Never wash the drain if the manufacturing process is continued in the area.

Do not leave the drain trap uncovered after cleaning and sanitization.

Ensure regular cleaning of drains.

Also Read:

  1. SOP For Dispensing Of Raw Materials 
  2. SOP For Transferring and Storage Of Raw Materials 
  3. SOP For Cleaning Of SS Scoops