Container and Closure System

Containers and closures play a very important role for pharmaceutical packaging and we hear this term many times a day during our work in pharmaceutical industries but many are not familiar with the exact meaning of this term container and closures.

In this article, we will learn 

  • What Is a Container?
  • What Is a Closure?
  • Important Characteristics Of Containers & Closures 

What Is a Container

A container in terms of pharmaceutical packaging is defined as,

A device is known as container which is used to enclose or protect the pharmaceutical product and is in direct contact with the preparation inside.

What Is Closure?

A device is known as closure in terms of pharmaceutical packaging which is used to seal the container.The closure ensures product protection by protecting against oxygen,carbon dioxide, moisture and microbes.

It is also defined as,

A closure is the part of container which is used to prevent loss of product by evaporation or during transportation.

Characteristics Of Container and Closure

A good container and closure must have the following characteristics to be used for pharmaceutical packaging.


The container and closures should have such strength that these should not be reshaped or damaged during the following process activities 

  • Filling 
  • Sealing 
  • Closing 
  • Sterilization 
  • Labelling 
  • Packaging 
  • Transportation 
  • Use

The containers and closures should also remain intact when they are empty.

Prevent Product Loss

The container should be such that there is no product loss due to spillage or leakages.

Material Of Construction 

  • The container and closures should be constructed from such material that is non reactive to the product inside and it should not absorb any material or contents from the product.
  • The colour or odour of the container’s material should not be transferred to the product.
  • There should be no reaction between the container and the closure itself.


The container and closure surface should be smooth and facilitate easy labelling.

Light Sensitivity 

Containers and closures should be able to protect light-sensitive products. For light-sensitive products the amber coloured or opaque containers are used.

Easiness & Cost Effectiveness

The closure should have such a design that it can easily be removed or closed.The size of container must be in accordance with product size.

The container and closures must be cost-effective & attractive in design and shape.

Also Read 

  1. How to design a tablet formulation 
  2. Troubleshooting guide for tablet coating 
  3. Types of pharmaceutical packaging 
  4. Glass packaging in pharma 
  5. Tablet manufacturing process in pharma