Tablet Manufacturing Interview Questions

If you are searching for a job in the tablet manufacturing area of pharmaceutical industries but you are not aware of which type of questions are asked then read the complete article because here we will discuss the most commonly asked interview questions related to tablet manufacturing.


What are the stages of tablet manufacturing? 

Tablet manufacturing is a multi-stage process and it is completed into the following three main stages,

  1. Granulation 
  2. Compression 
  3. Coating


How many methods are used for tablet manufacturing?

Three methods are used for tablet manufacturing 

Wet Granulation 

Dry Granulation 

Direct compression 


What are the stages of tablet compression? 

The process of tablet compression is completed in the following four stages,

  1. Filling or feeding 
  2. Metering or weight adjustment  
  3. Compression or compaction 
  4. Tablet ejection


What are common granulation defects? 

The most common defects observed during the process of tablet granulation are given below,

  1. Over-wetting
  2. Underwater
  3. Over drying 
  4. Under drying 
  5. Fine production 
  6. Segregation 
  7. Assay problem 


What are common defects of tablet compression?

Following defects are commonly observed,

  1. Tablet sticking 
  2. Tablet picking 
  3. Tablet capping
  4. Tablet lamination 
  5. Weight variation 
  6. Friability problem 
  7. Hardness issue
  8. Rat holing 


Common Defects of the tablet coating process?

During the process of tablet coating, following defects are observed,

  1. Sticking
  2. Picking
  3. Colour variation
  4. Twinning 
  5. Logo bridging 
  6. Chipping 
  7. Orange peel effect 


Which pressure is maintained inside the tablet manufacturing area?

The tablet manufacturing area is maintained at negative pressure means the primary area where the manufacturing process like granulation, compression and coating takes place is maintained at negative pressure.

In simple words, we have less pressure inside as compared to the airlock system or corridor.


ISO classification of the tablet manufacturing area?

At rest, the tablet manufacturing area is ISO class 8  or grade D.


What are the reasons for tablet coating?.

The most common reason to apply a coat over the tablet surface is to mask the unpleasant or bitter taste of the API.

Tablets are also coated due to some other reasons which are protection from the environment like temperature and humidity.

The coating is also applied over the tablet surface to alter the release pattern of API like the extended-release.

We can apply different colours on the different strength of the same product by using the coating process to avoid the mix up.


Tablet compression machine tooling?

There are  four types of tablet tooling for compression and these types are,

  1. B type tooling 
  2. D type tooling 
  3. BB tooling 
  4. DB Tooling  


Which equipment are used for tablet manufacturing?

For the granulation stage, we use the following equipment.

Sieves, sifters,rapid mixing granulator, fluid bed dryer,tray dryer,co Mill, oscillating granulator, double cone blender or bin blender.

For the tablet compression process we use the following,

Compression machine, tablet metal detector and deduster.

 For the tablet coating process we use 

Coating pan, peristaltic pump, suspension preparation tank.


What is the slug?

Large-size tablets having one inch diameter are known as slug.


What are the steps of wet granulation?

The wet granulation process is completed in following main steps 

  1. Weighing 
  2. Sieving 
  3. Mixing 
  4. Kneading 
  5. Drying 
  6. Dry sieving 
  7. Final blending 


What are the steps of dry granulation?

The dry granulation method is completed in following steps,

  1. Weighing 
  2. Sieving 
  3. Mixing 
  4. Slugging 
  5. Crushing 
  6. Final Blending 


What is roller compaction?

The roller compaction process also known as dry granulation or roller compactor method is used to press the powders between two rotating rollers due to which the powder sheets are formed and are screened by using the cutting mill to get the granules of the desired size.


What are the types of granulation?

There are two types of granulations which are used for tablet manufacturing. One is known as the wet granulation method and the other one is the dry granulation method.


What are the types of tablet coating?

Tablet coating is the process where a thin layer of polymer is applied over the rotating tablet.

Four types of tablet coating which are,

Film coating, 

Enteric coating

Sugar coating 

Drug coating.

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