SOP for cleaning of exhaust duct of tablet coater

Standard Operating Procedure for cleaning of exhaust ducts of tablet coating machine.

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to establish a standard procedure for cleaning the exhaust duct of a coating pan.

2.0 Scope

This SOP is implemented for the procedure used for cleaning of the exhaust duct of the coater used in pharmaceutical industries for tablet coating.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Coating Operator is responsible for cleaning the exhaust ducts.

3.2 Production officer is responsible for implementation of this SOP.

3.3 Production head is responsible to ensure the implementation of this SOP.

3.4 QA Officer monitors the compliance of this SOP.

4.0 Procedure


After 15 days or when a drop in exhaust suction is observed.

4.1 The coating operator shall ensure that the electric wire plug of the coating machine is removed.

4.2 Remove the cover door of the exhaust side.

4.3 Open the clumps and remove the portable portion of the exhaust duct from the coater.

4.4 Dip this portion in raw water and remove the attached coating material with the help of a scrubber.

4.5 Wash this portion with 1% food grade detergent to ensure complete removal of the coating layer.

4.6 Wash it with purified water and dry it with lint free cloth.

4.7 Now Take an SS scrubber and remove scales of deposited coating material from the fixed portion of the exhaust duct.

4.8 Wash the inside of the fixed exhaust duct with raw water.

4.9 Wash inside of the fixed exhaust duct with 1% food grade detergent followed by the purified water.

4.10 Dry inside of a fixed exhaust duct with dry lint free cloth.

4.11 Attach a portable exhaust duct portion in its place with the help of clumps.

4.12 Fix the side door cover and record the activity in the logbook.

5.0 Abbreviations

5.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

Also Read:

  1. SOP for Rapid Mixing Granulator.
  2. SOP for Double Cone Blender.
  3. SOP for Wet Granulator.
  4. SOP For Fitz Mill
  5. SOP For Oscillating Granulator
  6. SOP For Uphill Deduster and Metal Detector