Tablet Deduster

Tablets are compressed on the compression machine by using powders or granules.You are familiar that after the tablet compression very fine powder or dust of powders adhere  to the surface of the tablets.

The tablet surface must be clear from fine particles or dust because if there is any powder dust on the tablet surface it will create problems during tablet coating & blistering process (for uncoated tablets.

Tablet Deduster

To remove the dust or powder  particles from the tablet surface we use an equipment which is known as tablet deduster.It is used to remove the fine powder from the surface of the tablet to make it smooth & clear.

Types Of Tablet Deduster

Two types of the tablet dusters are

  • Horizontal Tablet Deduster 
  • Uphill Tablet Deduster

Horizontal Tablet Deduster 

This type of deduster is a conventional type of the tablet deduster utilized in pharmaceutical industries for tablet dedusting.

Components Of Horizontal Tablet Deduster 

It consists of the tablet following main components.

  • Tablet Charging Chute
  • Tablet discharging Chute
  •  Swirl Baffle Mesh
  • Dust/Powder Collection System 


The tablet charging chute of this type of tablet deduster is attached with the tablet discharging chute of the compression machine.

The tablets after compression are fed to the tablet deduster through the discharging shoot of the tablet compressor machine.Now tablets enter into main body of deduster having perforated mesh with baffles.The perforated mesh revolves horizontally around its axis to produce zig zag or swirl type movement.

Tablets move from one end to other side due the swirl type movement and fine powder is dedusted or removed from the surface of the tablets.The fine powder or dust separated from the tablets is collected in a collecting box and clean surface tablets are collected in a container from the discharging chute of the tablet deduster.

Uphill Tablet Deduster

The other type of tablet deduster is known as an uphill tablet deduster.

As the name indicates the uphill tablet deduster is in vertical height or direction as compared to the horizontal tablet deduster.

Components Of Uphill Tablet Deduster 

Following are the main components of uphill tablet deduster 

  • Tablet Charging Chute
  • Tablet discharging Chute
  •  Vibratory Mechanism
  • Perforated Round Uphill Mesh
  • Dust/Powder Collection System
  • Air System 


Tablets are delivered to the charging chute of uphill tablet deduster from the discharging chute of the compression machine & these tablets are delivered to the main dedusting body of the uphill tablet deduster.

Tablets ride over the uphill perforated mesh and move upwards due to the vibratory mechanism.

While running their way on the perforated mesh the powder or dust is removed due to the air showering system from the tablet surface and is collected in the dust collection chamber.

The clean surface tablets are collected in the drum after passing through the discharging chute.

MOC Of Tablet Deduster

Stainless steel grade 316L is used for construction of this tablet deduster.

As it has direct contact with the product that is why it is made of SS grade 316L.

Read More

  1. Metal Detector Working
  1. Working and Principle Of Tablet Compression Machine
  1. Function Of Blank Dies In Compression Machine
  1. Stages and Mechanism of Tablet Compression.
  1. Advancements in tablet compression machines.
  1. Calculation of compression machine capacity.
  1. How to reduce compression machine breakdown.