Sop For Operation And Cleaning Of Vacuum Cleaner

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to develop a standard procedure for operation and cleaning of vacuum cleaner

2.0 Scope

This SOP is applicable for the procedure used for operation and cleaning of the vacuum cleaner used in production, packaging and store department.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Section operator is responsible for operating and cleaning of vacuum cleaner.

3.2 The Production/store officer is responsible for implementing this SOP.

3.3 The head of production is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this SOP.

3.4 Q.A Officer monitors the compliance of this SOP.


Vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning the different areas in the production and packaging department.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Operation Of Vacuum Cleaner

4.1.1 Insert the plug of vacuum cleaner into the electric socket and press the ON button to start the working of the vacuum cleaner.

4.1.2 Use flexible pipe housing with other supporting parts to collect the powder,dust  from the production or packaging floor for line clearance.

4.1.3 Vacuum cleaner is also used in the store department to clean the drums or containers of the raw materials during off loading.

4.1.4 A dedicated vacuum cleaner is used for all areas.

4.1.5 Turn the vacuum cleaner OFF by pressing the OFF button and remove the wire.

4.2 Cleaning Procedure for vacuum cleaner 

Cleaning Frequency 

At the end of shift or as and when required.

4.2.1 Transfer the vacuum cleaner to the washing area.

4.2.2 separate the flexible pipe fittings from the main body of the vacuum cleaner.

4.2.3 Wash the flexible pipe with portable water and dry it with lint free cloth.

4.2.4 Hang it on the stand for complete drying.

4.2.5 Open the main body of the vacuum cleaner and remove the filter.

4.2.6 Shake the filter in a polythene bag to remove all the dust or powder.

4.2.7 Scrub the filter bag with a nylon brush.

4.2.8 Remove the powder or  dust from the filter box and clean it with lint free cloth soaked in water.

4.2.9 Now install the filter bag and flexible pipe to the main body.

4.2.10 Transfer the Cleaned vacuum cleaner to the respective area by covering the opening of the pipe with aluminum foil.

4.2.11 Waste the powder collected from the vacuum cleaner by WDN.

5.0 Abbreviations

5.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

5.2 QA: Quality Assurance

Also, Read

  1. SOP For Operation Of Sampling Booth 
  2. SOP Of Fluid Bed Dryer
  3. SOP for Compression Machine
  4. SOP For Cleaning Of Pallets
  5. SOP For Conventional Coating Pan
  6. SOP For Propeller Mixer