SOP For Cleaning Of Dispensing Room

Standard Operating Procedure for cleaning of the dispensing room.

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this Standard operating procedure is to develop a standard procedure for cleaning of the dispensing room after product change over.

2.0 Scope

This SOP is applicable for the cleaning of the dispensing room in the store department of pharmaceutical industries.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Store person is responsible for performing cleaning activity.

3.2 The HOD of the store is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the current SOP.

3.3 Q.A Officer monitors the compliance of this SOP.

4.0 Procedure

Frequency The dispensing room shall be cleaned for every product change over.

4.1 The store person shall collect all the dispensing utensils & wash as per cleaning SOP of dispensing utensils.

4.2 The store person shall ensure that there is no container/material of previous product in the dispensing room.

4.3 Store person shall remove the powder from the floor,RLAF filter frame with the help of vacuum cleaner.

4.4 Store person shall clean the Reverse Laminar Air Flow frame & its sides with dry lint free cloth.

4.5 The store person shall clean the weighing balance & stainless steel table with dry lint free cloth.

4.6 The store person shall clean the walls, ceiling,doors & fixtures with the help of vacuum cleaner & later with dry lint free cloth.

4.7 The store person shall clean the RLAF frame,sides,SS tablet with lint free duster soaked with purified water and later with 70% IPA.

4.8 The store person shall disinfect the dispensing room floor with scheduled disinfectant solution.

4.9 The store person shall close the polythene bag of waste bin with tie clip & send it to the scrap yard.

4.10 The store person shall install a new polythene bag in the waste bin after cleaning the waste bin with lint free cloth.

4.11Record the cleaning activity in the logbook.

5.0 Abbreviations

5.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

5.2 QA: Quality Assurance

5.3 HOS:Head Of Department.

5.4 RLAF: Reverse Laminar Air Flow 

Also, Read

  1. SOP For Cleaning Of SS Scoops 
  2. SOP For Measuring Temperature and Humidity in Store
  3. SOP for Wet Granulator.
  4. SOP Of Fluid Bed Dryer
  5. SOP for Compression Machine
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