Cleaning Procedure For Enteric Coating Pan

Standard cleaning  Procedure for a tablet coater after the enteric coating process. 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this Standard cleaning procedure is to establish a standard cleaning procedure for washing the tablet coater after the enteric coating process. 2.0 Scope This SCP is applicable for washing tablet coaters after the enteric coating process in the … Read more

Pass Box In Pharma

Every one of us who has ever worked there in the pharma industry will be familiar with the concept of achieving & maintaining the status of clean rooms or classified rooms.There are different types of cleanroom classifications in pharma where different types of dosage forms are manufactured according to the standards to meet regulatory requirements. … Read more

Wash In Place (WIP) Clean In Place (CIP)

Washing is a major part of various activities performed in different industries like the dairy and pharmaceuticals. As we know in the pharmaceutical industry we have to perform cleaning activities all the time whenever we have a change of product or depending on the requirement according to standard cleaning procedures. Wash In Place VS Clean … Read more

HVAC and Mixing MCQs

Q:1 HVAC stands for which of the following? a)Heating ventilation and air cooling. b)Humidity ventilation and air conditioning. c)Heating ventilation air Compressing. d)Heating ventilation and air conditioning The right answer is (d) Explanation HVAC is used in pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and large buildings to provide human comfort and to prevent cross-contamination in the case of … Read more