Scope of pharmacist in pakistan

A pharmacist is a person who is licensed to dispense and formulate medicines, provide information regarding a drug to patients or other healthcare persons, patient counselling about drug dose, side effects, and interactions. The pharmacist is an important part of the healthcare system.

The history of pharmacy or drug usage is very old. In old-time mostly extemporaneous preparations were prepared but with the evaluation of pharmaceutical industries since World War 2 the role and scope of the pharmacist in drug manufacturing were changed. Pharmacists have become the main part of drug manufacturing on a large scale utilizing advanced techniques and research.

In Pakistan 

In Pakistan, the role of pharmacist can not be ignored and the role is as important as in other countries. To become a pharmacist in Pakistan Pharm D (Doctor of Pharmacy)degree is offered.

The requirement for Pharm D admission

  • For Pharm D or Doctor of Pharmacy, students should clear their intermediate examination in science having Biology as a major subject. (F.Sc pre-medical).
  • In Pakistan, Pharm D is a five years (5 years) program.
  • Different government and private institutions offer Doctor of Pharmacy degrees.
  • Some institutions offer the annual program and some have semester system
  • The annual system has 5 years and semester system has 10 semesters. (2 semesters in a year)
  • In annual system exams are conducted every year and in semester system exams are conducted after each semester.

What to do during study

During the study, students should focus on their studies and should read books and research papers to improve their knowledge. They should join internship programs during vacations. Different internship programs are offered by different hospitals and pharmaceutical industries. During the internship program, practical skills are gained which clear many theoretical concepts and knowledge is improved.

Fields where a pharmacist can apply for a job

In Pakistan pharmacist can apply for a job in  different sectors as,

Government Jobs

  • Hospitals
  • Drug testing laboratory(DTL)
  • Forensic Science
  • Drug Regulatory Authority Of Pakistan(DRAP)
  • Teaching 

Private Jobs

  • Research institutes
  • Teaching institutes
  • Retail pharmacy
  • NGOs
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Nutraceutical Industry 
  • Cosmetic Industry
  • Marketing Sector
  • Distribution Sector
  • Supply chain

For government jobs, different entry-level tests are conducted for recruitment and after passing the test the shortlisted candidates are called for an interview and final selection is done.

For private-sector jobs usually, no entry-level tests are required,only interview is conducted for the final selection of candidates.

Main job Sectors in Pakistan for pharmacist

Pharmaceutical industries, nutraceutical industries and retail pharmacies are the main sectors in Pakistan where the majority of pharmacist work. In pharmaceutical industries pharmacist work in the following departments,

  • Production
  • Warehouse
  • Quality Assurance 
  • Quality control
  • Research & Development (R&D)
  • Audit & Compliance
  • Marketing
  • Supply chain

Retail pharmacy/Community Pharmacy

Due to acknowledgement of the role of the pharmacist in patient counselling and drug usage guidance, retail pharmacies and community pharmacies offer the full-time job to the pharmacist in Pakistan.

Own Pharmacy

Pharmacist after completing his Pharm D decree is eligible for getting Catagory A registration from pharmacy council. After getting Pharm D degree from the concerned institute students should immediately apply for registration in Pharmacy council for his registration number. After getting Category or registration he or she can run his pharmacy.

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